Dentist Be Damned!

Everything You Need to Know to Never Have to Visit the Dentist Again!



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Dear Affiliate Marketers and Internet Entrepreneurs!

You’re now looking at what will be the next highest, best converting Clickbank product! We’ve worked with the best copywriter, video animator, voice talent, and web designer to assist us in marketing, pitching, and designing the website to introduce this revelatory new product.

“Dentist Be Damned!” is a revolutionary program that teaches readers how to reverse and prevent teeth cavities and gum diseases. It isn't just 'brush your teeth twice a day' kind of guide; offering real solutions to giving people the kind of confidence of an all American smile.

I guess you might be wondering, "what kind of guide is this then? And what makes it so special?"

First, let me ask you this: have you religiously brushed your teeth and flossed them every single day for recent years? Have you taken the best care of your teeth, but still ended up paying your dentist to have the cavities filled? Why? Why is this happening? Is it because of sugar?

Well, the answer is "not really". Sugar causes cavities indirectly. But do you know it is possible to consume tons of sugar without suffering from cavities as a consequence? Yes! It is totally possible! And that's what readers will learn in the program! There are many fascinating facts and well researched information for readers to glean an education into oral hygiene.

Keypoints of the program:
  Introducing an ingredient that is added in nearly every dental product - toothpaste, mouthwash, and even 'tooth-friendly' candies. It has been proven to cause cavities but the public and media hasn't been informed yet. Backed by studies and scientific research, this is revelatory information.
  Learn about the probiotic deemed beneficial to our gut, but wreaking havoc on our teeth. Evidence of its cavity causing attacks is given.
  Is flossing really necessary? Does flossing really prevent tooth cavities and gum diseases as dentists have always told us?
  Controversially, sugar isn't the direct cause of cavities. Cavity-causing bacteria utilize it as an energy source to produce acid. But it isn't just sugar, there are several other aggravators of the acid!
  The secret ingredient that can eliminate cavity-causing bacteria in our mouth. Once these cavity-causing bacteria have been removed, you’ll never have to worry about cavities or gum diseases again.
  Babies do NOT have any cavity-causing bacteria in their mouth. Theoretically, they won't suffer from any teeth cavities in life. But someone infects them! Guess who?
  Teeth whitening products are actually detrimental to our teeth's enamel. There are several lists of ingredients readers should keep a look out for before it is too late. They can cause weaker enamel, which results in the onset of cavities, oral cancer, and gum recession which leads to gum disease, teeth sensitivity, and so on.
  Children's fluorosis, the likelihood of women getting cavities, the relation of pregnancy and cavities, and many other facts exposed.
  And of course, the simple regimen that can cure and prevent cavities and gum diseases forever.

Who Will Benefit From This Program?
  Individuals who are afraid of visiting the dentist!
  Individuals who don’t have any dental plan or insurance; and are in constant fear of their oral health.
  Individuals whose dental health always seem to deteriorate despite their best efforts (brushing, flossing, etc.)
  Individuals who are suffering from cavities and even gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) and looking for ways to improve it.
  Individuals who wants to get rid of bad breath, straighten their teeth, or whiten their teeth naturally without expensive treatments!
  Parents who no longer want to pay expensive dental bills for their children anymore! Yes, this program is suitable for children too!

I have researched this eBook thoroughly personally. It is backed by scientific research and studies. Finally, I have had it vetted by an English writer to magazine-quality standards.

However, no matter how well-written this eBook is, and no matter how persuasive the sales pitch will be, there’s no freaking point.


You can have a Michelin-starred restaurant with the most incredible techniques presenting the most stunning food. But if there’s no awareness of its presence, no advertising and marketing, it is doomed to fail.

And that’s why we need people like YOU – the Affiliates and Internet Entrepreneurs to assist us in pushing this product to this massive market niche. According to Wikipedia, approximately 10% of the population have an incredible fear of dentist. Don’t believe me? Check it up:

Now, imagine this: The United States has a population of approximately 319 million. 10% of that is 31.9 million! Imagine the huge potential of this market! And mind you, we’re only talking about the United States alone! We have not included other major countries like Australia, The United Kingdom, Canada, China, Japan and so on. According to an article by Harvard Health Publications, 13% to 24% of people around the world have dental anxiety and dentist phobia!

Now you know I’m talking about a huge market we’re about to deal with here.

Please bear in mind that this eBook isn’t some plagiarized or rehash of other dental books. All content in this eBook stems from years of research, backed with scientific evidence and studies. Readers will be so into this new-found knowledge that they will feel this program is worth every penny they’ve spent on it.

Imagine: spending just $47.00 on this eBook packed with fascinating facts and knowledge that will save them thousands in dental bills in future – no more fillings, no more dental surgery, and no more bi-annual dental checkups ever needed again. Imagine, the wealth of knowledge they will gain from this eBook. Will they ask for a refund for such a valuable eBook?

Hey, look, I’m an affiliate myself in the past (Clickbank Platinum Member 2013 and 2014 – one of the top affiliates in Clickbank). I know how hard you will work to promote and push this product. I understand how it feels – I’ve been there and done that. Our support is online even on weekends and public holidays! So rest assured that refund rates will be kept as minimal as possible. Customer satisfaction is assured. We want YOU to earn and keep your well-deserved commission. We RESPECT and LOVE our affiliates and partners like YOU. We won’t screw any of our affiliates over or use ‘unethical methods’ to steal their hard-earned commissions: we’ve been there ourselves and know how it feels.

Join us now and promote this revolutionary program that will change the world for the better.

Okay, enough of my pitch. Let’s get down to business.

The main program also includes 2 free eBooks as a bonus, and it’s priced at $47.00. However, we have a unique sales funnel. A 15-minute timer is set for a presale price of $37. If the user fails to take action, it will be bumped back to $47. At any time, when a user tries to leave the site, he will be prompted to stay for a 50% Discount. If the user tries to leave again, he will be prompted to opt-in for the 3-day trial period ($1, then 3 days later, $18 rebill).

And, of course, there are 2 upsells which are priced at $15.00. We’ve implemented Clickbank’s Pitchplus function for easy checkout for the customer – encouraging them to purchase the upsell.

A customer-oriented approach is used to ensure customer satisfaction. Our efficient email response to assist customers will be prompt – to prevent any frustrations which might increase the probability of a refund.

Here’s the best part: to thank YOU for your hard work and trust, we will reward $50 to your PayPal account on your first sale of this product (please refer to bonus terms below). And did I mention that there will be many exciting affiliate competitions in future? So do remember to subscribe to our affiliate newsletter!

Do remember to ask us about our 90% commissions special and our affiliate referral contracts (15% commissions).

Note: The 90% commissions special is only valid for affiliates or partners who can provide us huge traffic volume periodically.

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And don’t worry, we will never SPAM you with stupid offers trying to earn commission off you. And also, we will never share your details or email address to other vendors. You will only be informed of upcoming affiliate competitions, marketing ideas, and new product launches in future! A promise is a promise!

View our affiliate tools section and get your marketing arsenal ready! Lets bank hard on this niche! We are ready to help our affiliates any time of the day!


Why Promote "Dentist Be Damned!"?

  • #1

    Huge Market

    Over 31.9 Million people in the U.S alone have a fear of the dentists! This product will appeal to them, and more!

  • #2

    Backed by SCIENTIFIC Research & Studies!

    This isn't some rehash product from someone else's! 100% original content, written by us and backed with scientific research and studies!

  • #3

    You're Getting PAID To Help Others!

    Imagine helping others have that beautiful smile without resorting to expensive dental visits! That's good Karma!

Our Sales Funnel: Earn 75% Of All Sales


    UPSELL #1

  • $47Our Sales Funnel

    Our Sales Funnel


    Our Sales Funnel
  • $37(with coupon)

    Our Sales Funnel

    UPSELL #2


  • $19

(We Utilize Clickbank’s PitchPlus For Easy 1 Click Upsells! Expect great conversion rates!)

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